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Season 2/Episode 36: Holidays with Loved Ones

In All Seriousness

Cherish the Time You Have

In this week’s episode, Jill and Tony discuss what can happen when you get together–whether in person or online– with your family and friends or your partner’s family on a holiday.

Tony told listeners to cherish the time they have to spend with family and friends.

Jill agreed and encouraged those who feel alone to make it a point to use technology to talk to and interact with at least one person. You may not realize how much you needed to do that until you’ve done it.

Jill and Tony have other advice:

  • If things get tense at your gathering, try to lighten things up if you can. Look for silver linings in the darkest moments.
  • Don’t get arrested over a holiday
  • Be safe. Covid-19 is still contagious.

What were the highlights of your Labor Day weekend? Let us know in the comments section.

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We’re still accepting voicemail messages from our listeners. We’d love to hear from you. Tell us your opinions about any of our episodes. You can also ask us for relationship advice or suggest a topic you’d like for us to tackle.





2 comments on “Season 2/Episode 36: Holidays with Loved Ones

  1. Mary Ellen Vogel says:

    OMG! Was it Labor Day?

    Almost not kidding. We’re so self contained right now—yes, covid is still here—that it was just the same stuff, which we love. But I do remember dicey family gatherings over holidays.

    My mother and her sister were close, so we spent holidays with my aunt and uncle. They didn’t have kids, and my brother and I had a strong relationship with them. My father was an alcoholic, but until I was around eight, his drinking was more under control. However he was always emotionally detached, so I don’t have too many distinct memories of him. My uncle was a gregarious, outspoken man, whom I admired until he become a full-fledged alcoholic. I was around twenty-two when he turned many holidays into nightmares. However, neither my father nor uncle ever went to jail, so I am thankful for that. Hahahaha

    They’re all gone now. Sometimes I miss them, especially my aunt and mother, but I never miss those drunken holidays. I kind of like our quiet life. Still, knowing what I know now, I think I would have tried harder, as Tony suggested. Nevertheless we never gave up them, and I’m glad for that. I believe we choose the family we need.

    I agree with Jill that lonely people should reach out. I have a find who talks about how unconnected she is, and becomes angry when I suggest ways to reach out. Maybe she’s okay with it, and that’s fine, I guess. She does have a big family and even gets on with a couple of them. Although if one craves company, there are ways to achieve it.

    1. @jillccwrites2 says:

      Thanks for that insight, Mary. We always appreciate your candid comments, and we believe they help others who may have had similar experiences.

      Your comments about lonely people has us thinking about doing an entire episode about that. So, thank you for sparking that idea.

      Thanks again. We love you and Denis.

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